Telescope Week 2

During the second week of this class undertaking, I was constantly browsing the repository and giving my two cents on a variety of issues, like Analyzing Text, Adding ESLint, using labels, liking or disliking blog posts, setting up pipelines, and making Jest and ESlint run together with pretest and test.

The project started the week off with a small PR done by our teacher to have a small feed reader with the use of Redis. I reviewed that PR, and since then, the project has started to take off. I personally ended up setting up ESLint, which can be seen in this PR, and due to that, have been called into a few other issues and PR’s which touch the code that I had already added, seen here. Due to changes in other PR’s I ended up taking another small PR in order to rearrange the testing scripts for whenever someone runs NPM test so that both Jest and ESlint would cooperate together. That PR can be seen here.

The beginning of the week did seem a little bit worrying with how slow it seemed to go, but it really does seem to be picking up the pace as more people are contributing. I look forward to seeing how this develops.

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